Breathe new life into your money management. Understand the full picture of your investment portfolio, and use our data to help you earn so much more.
With ARQ, you can optimise your UK investments so that you can make more informed decisions and live better from the results. Use our intelligent tools to rank your portfolio into actionable insights, and outperform your current investment decisions, all in a single app.
Simply put, we exist to help you to grow your wealth through better performance. Our app is independent, transparent, simple and intelligent, acting as your personal watchdog, and showing you the clear facts that might not have previously been spelled out.
We’re truly independent and always act in your best interests. Insights are based on analytics, not opinions and we will never sell you financial products.
Our scoring metrics are crystal clear and easy to understand. We don't hide any bad data, we’ll only show you the full picture.
Track and analyse all your investments in one place with 24/7 access. Say goodbye to piles of statements, spreadsheets, and multiple online portals.
Our tools uncover hard to find insights and our premium subscription service unlocks deeper data that can help you achieve better performance.
We use military grade encryption to keep your investment data private and secure so that you can stay in control.
Our pledge to you.
We’re committed to providing the most impactful and personalised experience to exceed your expectations and we pride ourselves on supporting you through a combination of digital and human services.
ARQ Premium.
In addition to our free app, we provide an enhanced, paid premium service. To ensure you receive a personalised service, we provide a free one-to-one consultation with our experts. To arrange your consultation, please email with your contact details.
ARQ has global plans, but right now we only support UK Bank and Investment accounts.